
CAN is a group of volunteers who assist our Cambria and San Simeon neighbors in times of need. We try to provide essential services on a short term basis during a time of illness, recuperation or in special circumstances.

Our services are non-professional. We are a non-profit organization with no fees for services.



Call 1.805.927.5673 to schedule medical appointment rides within SLO County, from Paso Robles to San Luis Obispo.
Interested in being one of our volunteer drivers? See the Get Involved page.

Medical Equipment

CAN loans hospital equipment, such as
Call 1.805.927.5673 to request a loan.

View examples of available medical equipment.

Have medical equipment you want to donate for others to use? See the Get Involved page.

Food Distribution

USDA and Food Bank of SLO County surplus food is distributed to eligible families and individuals.



Call 1.805.927.5673 to have one of our volunteers help with minor household repairs such as installing grab bars in bathrooms.

Freedom Alert

Loans of Life Alert devices for persons who are at risk of falling can be made by calling 1.805.927.5673.