To contact club presidents not displayed below please call the center at (805) 927-3364 and leave a message. Email requests about club activities can be sent to and they will be forwarded to the appropriate club representative promptly.

Club Presidents (click club name to jump to description)

Club Name President Contact
Bridge Deanna Straugh 310-995-0744
Cambria Chorale Dianne Anderson 408-221-9650
Cambria Dance & Social Club Pat Burbank 805-927-1867
Dancercize Maryann Grau 805-395-0442
Fishing Club Michael Verlangieri 805-909-0315
Inner Rhythm Steve White 805-927-5109
Investment Club Mark Berry 310-418-6068
Lawn Bowls Jackie Hogan 805-801-8699
Lions Club Jim Bahringer
Mah Jongg Joy Lee (+Judy Butler) 805-975-5103
Poker Club Manya Brett 805-927-5000
Rough Writers John Lamb 805-927-4640
Spirit Dance & Drum and
Pilates Based Movement for Seniors
Francesca Bolognini
Sandra McKee
Table Tennis Shelly Henderson 559-967-2294
Just Announced! Tai Chi Barry Blackburn 707-483-1347

Club Descriptions


The Bridge club has three groups and members may participate in more than one group. The ability to play bridge is required for all Bridge Club members.

PARTNERS BRIDGE meets every Thursday, 6:00 p.m. 24 hands are played with movement after 4 hands. A partner is required for participation. Individuals may play subject to the availability of a partner.*

REFRESHER BRIDGE is for anyone interested in learning bridge; join us at 1:15 p.m. on Tuesdays in the Joslyn Center. Contact Harriett Hankins (805) 203 5219 for more details.

DUPLICATE BRIDGE meets second and fourth Wednesdays, 1:00 p.m. To participate one must sign up with duplicate group. Individuals may play subject to the availability of a partner.*

* If you don't have a partner, call contact person (below) to see if a partner is available for you to play with, or to have your name put on a substitute list.

Fees: Center membership required plus $3.00 per game to go for prizes, and supplies.
Contact: Deanna Straugh (310) 995-0744


Meets every Tuesday, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m., and periodically Fridays 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. from January to May; and resumes August through December. Mixed voices: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass. No auditions required. A variety of music is performed including classical and musical theater show themes. Winter and Spring Concerts, and other performance options throughout the year.
Concerts benefit the Youth Music Fund.
Fees: Center membership plus $50.00 per year.
Pianist: Martha Willems
Director: Ron Perry
Contact: Dianne Anderson (408) 221-9650


Meets second and fourth Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. for fellowship, potluck dinner, and dancing to live music. Open to those interested in the social and recreational enjoyment of good food and dancing (ballroom, pop, etc.) who are invited to attend two meetings to be sure the club fulfills their expectations before making an application for membership.
Fees: Center membership plus $5.00 per year per person. Members pay $15 per person per meeting for live music, dancing, and the potluck.
Contact Person: Pat Burbank (805) 927-1867


Have fun and get fit to your favorite dance tunes!
Dance/Aerobics: Mondays: 9:00 am, Wednesdays: 9:00 am, Fridays: 9:00 am
Strength Training (Weights): Mondays: 9:45 am, Wednesdays: 9:45 am. Fridays: 9:45 am
Contact Person: Maryann Grau (805) 395-0442


Meets the third Tuesday each month at 2:00 p.m. Members enjoy discount tackle sales prior to the business meeting. Club provides an annual fish fry fund raiser, two low cost members only rockfish charters per year, social events, free use of club kayak, expert mentoring, and many opportunities for fishing with kayakers, small boat owners, and surf fishing enthusiasts.
Fees: Center membership plus $20.00 per year
Contact person: Mike Verlangieri (805) 909-0315


This is a free-style dance with different DJ's every week. The music can be described as tribal-electronic, world and edgy yoga inspired. Hours are Fridays, 7:30pm to 9:30pm. See us on Facebook for more info.
Contact person: Steve White (805) 927-5109


Meets first and third Thursday each month, 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Room. The purpose of the club is to learn and share investment knowledge for the benefit of the partners. Visitors welcome.
Fees: Center membership. There are no dues. The club is limited to 20 partners. Partnership buy-in depends on the value of the portfolio at the time.
Contact Person: Mark Berry (310) 418-6068


Meets on the green each Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday,
9:00 a.m. to noon for team bowling or free instruction (2 free lessons). Bowls equipment is available for loan or purchase.
Fees: Joslyn Center membership $50.00 plus $100.00 per year which includes membership in the Southwest Lawn Bowls Division. Learners pay no fee during the instructional period. Daily fee for members $1.00. Daily fee for non-member guests $5.00. Optional membership to Bowls USA $25.00.

Contact Person: Jackie Hogan 805-801-8699
Facebook Page: Cambria Lawn Bowls Club


The Lions Club of Cambria meets at the Joslyn Center. Please see the Lions Club web site for more information.


Mah Jongg, originally a Chinese game, has found a happy home at the Joslyn Center. The American Mah Jongg League is the head organization that provides the playing card that is used by players in the U.S. and is revised every year. The tiles played with are embossed with bams (bamboo), cracks, dots, flowers, winds and jokers.

If you think that doing crossword puzzles or jig saw puzzles help keep your brain sharp, then come on down to the Joslyn and try Mah Jongg. It is a game of luck combined with strategy (which is so good for your brain.) We welcome experienced players and novices. We will provide lessons for you during game time - it's our pleasure to do so if you are willing to put in the time to learn. Plus, the socializing with other players and making new friends is well worth learning how to play.

We invite you to just pull up a chair and observe some games and join in when you are ready. We play from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. every Monday and Thursday and use a "purse" of $5.00 and ask for a $1.00 donation to the center each day. Please contact the office for more information or to talk to one of our members directly. Contact Person: Joy Lee (805) 975-5103


Meets every Thursday of the month at 6:15pm plus one monthly tournament on a Saturday at 6:15pm as shown on the JRC calendar. The ability to play poker is necessary.

Poker Club Rules can be found on this page (opens in new tab).
Some of the Dealer's Choice games you may encounter are described here (in new tab).
Fees: Center membership plus $10.00 per year.
Contact Person: Manya Brett (805) 927-5000


We are a group of novelists, poets, short story writers, memoirists, and traveloguers. We are dedicated to supporting each other throughout the creative writing process. Our goal is to tell stories — true stories that might get lost and fictional stories that move us. Although we have many different styles and interests, we are united in our love of language and power of imagination. We meet each week to provide a supportive and collaborative environment for members to share their work.

If you would like to visit, please read "Visitors' Info" on our website, then contact John Lamb to schedule a time. We meet on Mondays from 1:00-4:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main Street.
Fees: Center membership dues, plus $10.00 per quarter for our club.
For more on the Rough Writers please visit our website,
Contact Person: John Lamb (805) 927-4640


Monday 7:30-9:30 p.m. Appointments can be arranged at 6:00 p.m. Call for information
Fees: Center membership plus $5.00 per session.
Dancing taught by Francesca Bolognini
Contact Person: Francesca Bolognini (805) 927-5528


This class is self-lead by existing members and does not have a certified Pilates instructor. The schedule is Mondays and Thursdays 10:30am-12noon. You must be a Joslyn member to attend classes. Please bring your own mat, ring, tennis ball, and therapy band. There are no additional fees, but a donation of a dollar per session would be appreciated.
Contacts: Sandra (805) 858-8547 and Michael (805) 909-0315


We are a fun group with diverse skills and abilities. We offer recreational play sessions four times a week consisting of doubles matches. In addition, we offer "skills and drills" sessions three times a week for more competitive play (focusing more on singles play and developing skills using a table tennis ball machine.) We have three tables, and beginners are always welcome. Since we have a good supply of paddles and balls, all you need to do is show up for some fun. We also enjoy getting together for social events and potlucks throughout the year.

Recreational Sessions:
Tuesdays 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Thursdays 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Fridays 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Sundays 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Skills & Drills Sessions:
Mondays 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Fridays 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Sundays 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Fees: Joslyn Center general membership plus Table Tennis Club membership of $25 per year.

Contact Person: Shelly Henderson, President; / 559-967-2294

The Cambria Table Tennis Club bylaws can be found on this page (opens in new tab).


New for 2025: Tai Chi club!

Cheng Man-Ching's 37 posture Yang form is the basis of the class. It is the most widely practiced form in the US. Tai Chi is generally suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, and it offers benefits such as reduced stress, improved balance, and enhanced mental clarity. A typical Tai Chi class focuses on slow, controlled movements and mindful breathing to promote balance, relaxation, and physical well-being. The class usually begins with a warm-up that includes stretching and Qi Gong practices to prepare the body. The instructor then leads the class through a series of Tai Chi postures.
Note: a beginner's class will be starting on January 19 (a Sunday)

Sundays 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Wednesdays 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Fees: None, other than Joslyn Center membership, but a donation of a dollar per session to go to the Joslyn Center would be appreciated.
Instructor: Barry Blackburn (707) 483-1347 (voice or text)